Tag Archive | new branches

Destination Chow: Newtown Square Baguio (Redbuggy Burgers, Woodnymph+Tea, & Teacup and Cake)

Redbuggy Burgers Baguio 2014 stuffed burger

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Baguio Dining A La Carte – More Menus

It’s proving to be a busy summer and with all the events … and work =b that I have to do, I find myself drawing blanks about what to say about a particular Baguio restaurant. For the time being, while I’m gathering thoughts up, I’ll leave you, afoodionados with a few more menus from food establishments that my foodie lovies and I have recently checked off the list or revisited.  Here’s to making you ready for your upcoming food adventures in the City of Pines. (“,)

1.) Barney’s Burger

Barney's Burger Baguio menu 2014

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(Chapter 2) Student Fare, Bakakeng: Manna Garden Cafe

I still maintain that kids these days are so lucky.  (Booming Bakakeng with impressive school facilities, man!) That being said, I wouldn’t exchange my experiences as a student to be a student today.  (Anybody can go back to school if they want, yes, but total replacement of memories, nah … shriveled hotdogs on cold rice in a baonan/lunch box with moist covers because the food was packed up when it was still hot *heehahaha Those were the days).  Let’s just go with: You’re lucky,I’m lucky, everyone’s lucky.

Manna Garden Cafe 2014

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