Tag Archive | ice cream shop Baguio

The Luxury that is Fruits in Ice Cream

How do you define luxury?

Fruits in Ice Cream toppings

Eyecandy! ^^, …tongue candy

It wasn’t until I was in high school did I know what luxury really is.  Before that, I just thought, it was anything that was expensive or fancy.  Essentially, it all boils down to Read More…

No Picnic at Camp John Hay: Where Do We Eat Now?

Growing up in Baguio, one of my fondest memories is that of the family/friends picnicking at Camp John Hay.  You take your pick of the tables set up in Scout Hill (beside what used to be the tennis courts… and there are more tables set up on the ‘Scout’ hillside =D, now), usually trying to get to CJH the earliest to beat the other picnickers to the tables nearest the grill.

Little John's view

The view from the table by the Little John’s window…and some representations Little John’s customers have drawn. Nice, no? ^^,

In the event that it rains on your picnic (which can be expected of Baguio weather *hihi) and everything gets so drenched that nothing is edible or maybe an army of ants come in and march away with everything but your trash bags, the picnic can still push through.  (“,)   Read More…

We All Scream for ‘Strawberries and Ice Cream’!

Let’s get real, it’s not that cool in Baguio City anymore.  *sigh.  The -ber months are in and I still haven’t taken my trusty comforter out from storage.  With this strange extension of warmer days, a great way to cool down is to eat ice cream.  (Though some say that ice cream can warm you up like soup can, it can still provide for a moment’s comfort of beating the heat. =D)

Strawberries and Ice Cream ice cream creations

Banana Split (on a plate), Mango…something, maybe craze?, Black&White, and Very Strawberry ice cream creations. (“,)

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