Tag Archive | findgoodbaguiofoods loads

How to Get Your Fill of Baguio’s Good Eats from This Blog …

Not everything that’s in this blog gets seen on Google searches, Yahoo searches and on searches that you do on your favorite search engine.  Essentially, it’s because I’m just too darn meticulous about putting tags on my blogs.  (If I had it my way, I would input one whole blog in the tags as well =b) On the other hand, I also forget to put specific tags in a restaurant review that I’ve recently posted.

You might be searching for a specific restaurant that you’ve heard of and findgoodbaguiofoods.com comes out as one of the results.  You click on the link and once this blog loads up,you might find yourself in the home page where my most recent posts are listed. What happened there, you might be thinking. It’s possible you were directed to the blog because of the (uber general) tag “Baguio restaurants”.  =D

findgoodbaguiofoods.com search bar

This is where Read More…